Sunday, December 13, 2009

English .....

Answer this question ....

1)  A place where food and drink are sold ................. Cafe

2) A place where motor vehicles are kept .................. Garage

3) A place where aeroplanes are stored .....????

Answer ..........................

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Masculine - Feminine

1)  Bachelor -- Spinster

2)  Actor -- Actress

3)  Author -- Authoress

4)  King -- Queen

5)  Prince -- Princess

6)  Waiter -- Waitress

7)  Hero -- Heroine

8)  Husband -- Wife

9)  ??? -- Milkmaid

What is ???

Logical Puzzle

Six school friends are having a birthday party in one of their home . Beside them , they also invite their boyfriend to join the party . At the party , the girls are talk about their favourite colour and favourite fruit .

Given the 12 clues below , can you indicate which girl has which boyfriend ? Which girl has which favourite colour and which girl has which favourite fruit ?

1 Josephine dates Raymond and like to eat papaya

2 Karen dates Andy

3 Ken's girlfriend like grey colour

4 Elaine dates Jacky and like black colour

5 Shirley like to eat pineapple

6 Karen did not like red colour

7 Sharon's favourite colour is not yellow but grey

8 Ben's girlfriend like to eat durian

9 Elaine did not like to eat watermelon

10 Sharon like to eat mango and other person like
     to eat rambutan

11 Vivian like blue colour

12 Peter's girlfriend like green colour

List all the answer .................... GOOD LUCK


Friday, December 11, 2009


桌子上有10支点燃的蜡烛 ,先被风吹息了3支 ,不久又一阵风 吹息了3支  ,最后桌子上还剩几支蜡烛 ?

Think .. Think ..

把24个人按5人排列 ,排成6行 ,该怎么样排 ? ?

Think !!!!

What is the number of " ? "

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Think !!!

What is the number for the " ? "


This is a good book from my good friend ....